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This FAQ has been made possible with a generous contribution from Kane Peterson (,
for providing the backbone for this FAQ.

Other contributors:

Scott Drysdale (for all the info he's posted over the years)

Per Goverud (
David Myers (
Mike Redrobe (
John S. Burger (
Lawrence Mintz (
Kirk Strauser (
Erick Below (
Michael Pederson (
the person who sent me the file 'bb_info.lha' (please email me, I lost your name!)
Deja News Inc. for keeping an archive of the newsgroups postings

Also, many messages from the Amiga Usenet Newsgroups are included in this FAQ. Where possible,
I have left the name of the authors with the messages. Please note that these messages may have
been edited for content, formatting, spelling and/or consistency.

 Needed Contributions

Here are some things I've been unable to obtain for this revision that I would like to add:

- More scanned pictures of diagrams to replace the text diagrams (XT and 286 Bridgeboards)
- Any reference information on tools for programming the Bridgeboard/Janus library.
- Any results on tests for Year 2000 compliance 
  for the XT and 286 Bridgeboard (I'm guessing they won't rollover properly either, but will they
  keep the proper century after a reboot?)
- Any info/specs on the SideCar(???)
- Any info on available processor upgrades for the XT/286 Bridgeboards
- suggestion on (freeware?) hard drive installation programs (for >500MB drives) beside DiskManager
- test results to see if FPU coprocessors run properly with upgrades other than the Cyrix upgrade
- additional installation tips

 (For more details on most of these topics, see Common Problems and Questions)

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